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Professor Layton and Pandora's Box

by Dragonatrix

Part 7: Dropstone

Puzzle Remix

Alright, so let's just quickly get through this and back to the important things.

3. Compare each square with the others. By now, perhaps you've managed to spot that some of the squares have the same designs as other squares but are inverted in color scheme. Any pair of squares you find like this have the same amount of sky and cloud, right? But you still have to deal with those other squares that are completely blue.

W01 Trash Day

The important things are, of course, more sliding puzzles. Surprise!

1. If you think about moving the red vertical bars as a set, you should do just fine.

This puzzle brought to you by US Luke's awful, awful voice.

Okay, but seriously NOW we can get back to the main game.


And with that, they speed off towards their next stop, the village of Dropstone.

Speaking of which!

Once again, not really worth giving a dedicated video to this short scene. It's mostly just the train pulling up is the thing.

Conspicuous lack of Flora already. Good job game.

Hopefully now that we're in Dropstone that'll actually change but who knows!

Also, anniversary party so maybe there'll be fun things to do. Should be kind of a good break and not just because we're off the train at long last.

And, of course, Dropstone is our locale for this chapter. Say what I will about the train, one of the advantages this game has over the first is that it has a nice variety of locales to do stuff in.


Added bonus: finally get some new music too! I like the french violins in the train and all but, once again, variety helps a lot.

We've got at least three hours till we'll be ready to roll, so why don't you catch the local sights?
A capital idea! Besides, who knows what information we might stumble upon in the village?

Alright, so our first job in this new, cute little village is to collect all of the hint coins we can. And also, well, to nag Samuel here.

My unc- I mean, the boss is wandering around the village and so is that inspector dude.
The village is celebrating its 50th anniversary right now, so I bet there's tons of stuff to do.
If I weren't stuck working, I'd definitely go check it out myself.

And it's so peaceful here that I really can't believe we'll find any clues about the Elysian Box.
Oh, I wouldn't be so sure of that, Luke.
Remember, one of the first rules of puzzle solving is that the answer is often in the unlikeliest of places!
Right as always, Professor! I'll be sure to keep my eyes peeled for clues!

Speaking of puzzles, there's one right here as well.

Yes, yes, it's quite lovely, Luke. Oh, but there's something quite odd about the picture.
Huh? What do you mean, Professor?

Yeah, I don't see it myself.

And Luke agrees with me. We'll just move over through the path next to the poster for the time being. It's the only place to go after all...

Here's where Granny R.'s chilling out if you need here while you're at Dropstone. We'll be ignoring her beyond this, of course, as we collect those coins and then speak with Mr. Beluga.

It's delightful. Every once in a while, it's nice to leave the city and enjoy the countryside.
The air is so fresh and clean! It must be nice to live here all the time. I'm so jealous!
And so you should be, young man! There's something about this place that makes you feel like a new man.
And with the village celebrating its 50th anniversary today, our timing couldn't be better.
Come to think of it, your Molentary Express turned 50 this year, didn't it? Quite the coincidence.

Still, it could have been fun to have a double anniversary celebration here at the festival.
Well, we already have a grand 50th anniversary celebration planned at an exclusive venue in London.
Oh, is that so? Well, I'm sure your party will be on a par with the excellence of your train.
It will. And on that note, I'm afraid I'll have to excuse myself. Good day to you, Mr Layton.
Good day to you, Mr Beluga.

Who do you think he was talking about, Professor?
I haven't the slightest idea, Luke.

Yeah, I'm sure it'll never come up again. So, let's just follow Beluga further into the village. There's nothing else for us here after all.

Hey, I don't recognise that man! He must be a local. Let's see if we can get some info on Dropstone proper.

Or maybe just some sweet gossip. I hear small countryside villages are all about that.

Indeed we are. We were travelling on the Molentary Express, but we've stopped here for repairs.

Only one place we could be headed? What do you mean, sir?
Hmm? Oh, I, um, was just thinking out loud. Yep, just talking to myself. Forget about it.
Here, did you notice the festival that's going on today here in Dropstone?
Today marks the 50th year since the founding of our village. Make sure you get in on the fun!

I don't mind if I do, so let's check out a local pastime while we're here.

Why, it's Puzzles of course!

The sunshine has me in such a good mood, I'm gonna go ahead and tell you a puzzle I've had tucked away.

Now that we know this, we can just leave poorly named Wurtzer here be with his puzzle.

That's... unfortunate. Meanwhile, I see a lot of stuff up ahead!

I've never been to festival before. It's wonderful!
Oh, that's right, Flora. I'd forgotten how you grew up in that one little village.
Well, now's your chance to make up for lost time. Let's explore!
Yes, let's! Where should we go first?
Ooh, let's go look at that booth over there! I want to see what they've got!
Wait for me!
Ha ha ha! You two watch where you're running or you're liable to crash into something.

So, we'll grab these coins and talk to that lady back there who is in fact interactable and not just a random barrier.

I mean, yeah, she IS a plot barrier but that's not the point.

Also because it's top-secret I wanna know way more. It's me. I am the real child here.

Ah well, look a puzzle! It's shiny and distracting.

It probably belongs to the person running that little stand.
Oh, but it looks like one of the wheels is dented. That must make it difficult to move.
Yeah, I bet it's a real pain.
Oh, but you know, that reminds me of a puzzle about a dented wheel...

Hmm, surely a dented wheel isn't good for much of anything. Puzzle or not.

In a surprising twist, however, there is not just the one environment-triggered puzzle in this screen!

No, there's a second one over here. On the obvious stall with all the stuff in it.

Oh, it's a fairground game.

I tell you what, since business is so slow right now, the first try is on me.
Gosh, really mister? Come on, Flora, we can try together!

Well, as you may have gathered from the lack of Flora in this scene, she does not in fact get to participate here. I know, it's kind of a shame that I wish wasn't the case but alas she's not allowed to solve any puzzles until the third game.

...Granted, the game being free does make it tempting to just redo.

But, no. No. We must show restraint. We could go left or right from here, but there's not much to the left so we'll go right first.

And there's nought but a (probably) kindly old lady here.

Oh right and she didn't get an icon there because she has a puzzle for us.

What seems to be the problem, madam?
My sweet little bird fell down a hole in the ground. I want to help the poor thing, but I just can't reach her.
Do you have any ideas?
I believe there's something we can try.

I personally don't think there's anything we can do, which is kind of a problem.

Namely that just leaving this hanging is kind of a very jerkish thing to do. So someone help this woman out!

...And everyone else I suppose.

Puzzle Remix

1. There's nothing wrong with the dog.
2. The moon hanging in the sky and the lamppost are fine as is. Oh, and don't bother searching the man in the foreground of the picture either.

1. B looks like it should fit together with its other half quite nicely.

1. This wheel's shape is essentially a triangle with the corners rounded off. Since the axle is positioned close to one of the cornets, you can expect the pattern it creates to be rather unconventional.
2. The axle is positioned far from the centre of the wheel, so you can expect the path it traces to contain an exaggerated up-and-down movement.

1. Don't trust your eyes! This puzzle contains an optical illusion.

1. Each tunnel branches off in a number of directions, so you may have trouble processing everything if you're relying on your eyes alone. Use your stylus and trace each route to get a better understanding of each tunnel.